In Memory


George “Chip” Davis Hardesty III


Chip, of North Redington Beach, Florida, passed away peacefully on April 24, 2024, surrounded by family. He obtained a BSBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1976 and a master of management degree from Kellogg in 1977. He spent 15 years in finance and 30 years owning The Wizard’s Cupboard. He is survived by his four children and eight grandchildren.

Carol Ann Spomer


Carol passed away on Aug. 25, 2024, in New York City at age 74. She brought high energy and a fierce determination to her work, and she held several positions as a sales and marketing leader at various companies throughout her career. An intrepid world traveler with a passion for volunteering, she served as a Big Sister, an International Builds volunteer, a team member for Habitat for Humanity Global Village builds, and a TESOL workshop leader and conversation partner, assisting English language learners and those new to New York and the United States.

Bill Wernecke


Part of a three-generation Northwestern family and recipient of the F.C. Austin Scholarship, Bill passed away on Feb. 27, 2024. He brought his Kellogg skills to bear throughout his career, including as the founder and director of wealth management services at Pegasus Partners. He is survived by loving family members including his wife, Susan Graham Wernecke ’80 MBA; father, Bill Wernecke Sr. ’54; and children, Maxwell ’19 MBA (married to Karina Manalo Wernecke ’20 MBA), Ellen (Northwestern Cherub ’01), Claire and Chloe.

Ed Wilson


Ed, a beloved longtime dean of students, passed away on Sept. 18, 2024, at age 84. He served the school for more than 35 years and played an instrumental role in building Kellogg into the elite global institution that it is today. “Ed was a treasure who made all of us feel better about ourselves and made the world a better place,” remembers Karl Mills ’84 MBA “His spirit and example endure, but his presence is profoundly missed.”

Mark Damisch


Mark ’78, ’81 JD, ’86 MBA, passed away on Sept. 6, 2024‚ the 43rd anniversary of his wedding to Patricia (Patty) Andrea Koulogeroge Damisch. Mark earned three degrees from Northwestern University: a bachelor of science in radio, TV and film; a juris doctorate from Pritzker School of Law; and an MBA from Kellogg.

Laura Stonikas


Laura passed away unexpectedly on Feb. 25, 2024. A seasoned traveler, she fulfilled her dream of traveling around the world and studying abroad. Laura pursued ambitious education and career goals, having worked at Chicago’s top companies including Aon Consulting, KPMG Advisory, Northern Trust Bank, CDW and McKinsey & Company, among others. She is survived by her parents, siblings, grandmother and many loving uncles, aunts and cousins.

Robert Carpenter


Robert passed away on April 6, 2024, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. A graduate of both Kellogg and Middlebury College, Robby was as kind and considerate as he was ambitious and hardworking. When he was discovered to have a rare type of melanoma, he met this adversity with resilience, courage and determination right through to the end. He is survived by his wife, Emily McKelvey Carpenter ’19 MBA; his parents; and his sister.